============= Configuration ============= Printing ======== There are three ways to print an expression: 1. string (mostly for use in the debugger) 2. unicode (for the python/Ipython command line) 3. latex (for jupyter notebooks and LaTeX files) For each way, the output representation of an expression can be changed using the dictionaries `str_expr_map`, `pretty_expr_map`, and `latex_expr_map`. For example, to print the Heaviside "function" as an `H` instead of the default `u`, for the LaTeX representation use: >>> from lcapy.config import latex_expr_map >>> latex_expr_map[sym.Heaviside] = 'H' Handling the the imaginary operator `sym.I` is trickier since this is ingrained as `i` in SymPy. By default, Lcapy uses `j` but this can be forced to be printed as `i`, see `lcapy/config.py`. Parsing ======= Sympy has many predefined symbols. Lcapy ignores the ones listed in `config.excludes`. For example, `N` represents the numerical evaluation function. If you wish to have this symbol, remove it from the `excludes` list, for example, >>> from lcapy.config import excludes >>> excludes.remove('N') Here's another example, that removes the falling factorial function `ff`, >>> from lcapy.config import excludes >>> excludes.append('ff')